Thursday, June 25, 2009

Say it isn't so!

Well once again for the second time in two weeks, we conservatives have been plagued by yet another scandal.I can't believe it. Here we are as conservatives fighting the good fight as a party that is pretty much in disarray and we get smacked down again. My take on all this is if your a politician who wants to be in the spotlight and run on a platform of social conservatism then your books better be in order. Don't put your self on a plateau that you are morally superior then your liberal counterpart and then come out and smack your family and your supporters in the face the way you guys do. We, as a party, are already struggling and fighting a big uphill battle and we don't need your hypocrisy, to set us back anymore. The worst part of the latest debacle is the way that everyone learned about it. Once again thanks a lot Senator Ensign and Governor Sanford. The way I see it is these guys have to go. No we don't need to lose more in our party but we need to stand up for something and that's called principles.

The way I see it is we, the conservatives need to do the right thing and call on the resignation of these two men.Not that we can really afford to lose more people, but we need to stand up for something and that something is keeping our own house in order. And then when we do, do that we may get more support from those who are opposed by some of our policies but admire us for standing up and doing the right thing. I think that the country is torn and divided in this time in history and a lot of people are living day to day in fear of losing there jobs and there homes. Well those in Washington keep telling us there are tough times ahead and we need to tighten our belts but they continue to live lavish and spend money like it never ends. I am sick and tired of being told how to live and act when these guys themselves are corrupt and incorrect in there daily meanderings. So I guess what I'm trying to say is we conservatives need to keep fighting the good fight, although things look kind of grim, and while we are at it choose our leaders and hold them accountable for the standards on which they ran on.


  1. AMEN! While we all are susceptible to mistakes - of all kinds, these men submitted themselves to a higher standard of morality by taking on the role of serving as leaders and representatives. The do have to go. GOOOH!!
    (Get out of our house)--google it!

  2. Yep, they do have to go. Not that they have done anything more than Edwards, Clinton and several others, but the GOP is a party built on principles and standards. If we don't stand on those principles we are no better than the other side. To be honest, if the GOP leaders don't stand on the WHOLE party platform, they should GO!!!! If they aren't fiscally and socially conservative, go to the Dems...they'll take you, just like they did Specter!

  3. A flower why just a flower, and a man--why a man thats all. Jefferson sleep with his slaves and none would dare call for him to resign. Just because someone steps into the political arena doesn't mean they leave their moral shortcoming behind. Party---I don't give a damn about the party just give me strong patriotic leaders with good conservative political values. Found you via twitter. Visit me sometime at TOTUS.

  4. I think they enjoy keeping everyone all stirred up, keeps them off their game, in hopes people will forget their core values. They forget very quickly who elected them and whom they serve and those left standing have to stop the runaway train. Gonna be interesting to see where the next 3 years take us. The next person to step up to bat will likely spend their term mopping up after Hussein. I truly hope that person stands in diametric opposition to the Libs. They can keep the change. Just my opinion.

  5. I say IMPEACH them all!!! Enough is enough now they are even trying to stifle our voices when we oppose them. Stand up America wake up b4 it's too late.

  6. Dave Rose, PhD;

    Is this blog a profession of yours? What a poor use of your GED. Are you blaming the world for the fact that you are skill-less and useless? John Mellncamp says "I'm uneducated, my opinion means nothing" - just like yours.

  7. I just want to clarify for everyone that I started this blog with the best of intentions. I was going to be internet-famous. But, just like everything else in my life, I got lazy and then nothing happened. Life is hard if you spend it drunk and stupid. I should have joined the military when I was young enough... then I could back-up all the stupidness that rolls out of my drunk mouth - but no, I'm a chickenhawk. Maybe I should add another blog post huh? But, that would take 20 minutes and I'm going to drink beer instead. That's why I'm out of work. Good bye world...

  8. Well, that's nice of you to admit it, Dr. Rose. I mean, it's not like Republicans are going to change anything by complaining on their blogs or twitter accounts, anyways.

  9. Conservatives have morals and strive to reach them. We are not perfect and we should not stand for a Politician who continually lies and deepens America's debt.
